Beyond Gud

Haldi Chandan Mulethi Soap

Haldi Chandan Mulethi Soap


Introducing the captivating trio of Haldi (turmeric), Chandan (sandalwood), and Mulethi (licorice) handmade natural soaps, each brimming with its unique benefits:

  1. Haldi Soap: Embrace the golden glow of turmeric! This soap brightens your skin, fights acne-causing bacteria, and fades dark spots, leaving you with a radiant, even-toned complexion.
  2. Chandan Soap: Experience the divine aroma of sandalwood! This soap soothes and nourishes, reducing skin redness and inflammation, while its antimicrobial properties combat skin impurities.
  3. Mulethi Soap: Savor the sweet magic of licorice! This soap is a boon for sensitive skin, offering gentle cleansing and moisturization, while also promoting a natural, healthy glow.

Indulge in the sensory delight of Haldi Chandan Mulethi handmade natural soaps, crafted with care and love, to unveil the true beauty of your skin, naturally.


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